Acts 2:42-47 Jesus is not only alive IN His Church, but He is alive THROUGH His Church. As a culture, we idolize individuality, self-expression, and putting our own pursuit of happiness over concern for others. The Spirit is calling us together. We cannot do...
Ben Cotten
The Age of Fulfillment (Acts – Week 4)
Acts 2:14-41 The Holy Spirit’s mission is bigger than you, but it is not less than you. The disciples were transformed, in an instant, from disciples to apostles. And in that moment, the Church was born. We need to set our bar of expectation at spiritual...
Pentecost (Acts – Week 3)
Acts 2:1–13 Compare your experience of following Jesus here in 2024 with the first group of Christians depicted here in Acts 2. These people are no different from you and me. They have the same worries and pressures and fears that you do. Their culture is not...