Sunday service starts at 10:30

1339 North Main St. Kernersville, NC 27284

(336) 996-1160

Awesome New Way of Living – Romans, Week 10

Awesome New Way of Living – Romans, Week 10

Romans 8:12-17

We do not owe the “old me apart from Christ” anything. Like the freed slave in Rom 6 and the wife whose husband died in Rom 7, we owe zero allegiance to the old master/husband.

Our approach to God has been totally revolutionized. In who we were before Christ, we were enslaved and we had a fearful existence towards life and God but now we are adopted as sons, so have received the Spirit of God who leads us (reverently) to get right up into God’s face – as close to the Father as our being in Christ brings us – and we call him Papa.


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