Sunday service starts at 10:30

1339 North Main St. Kernersville, NC 27284

(336) 996-1160

Nothing Can Separate Us – Romans, Week 12

Nothing Can Separate Us – Romans, Week 12

Romans 8:28-39 Last week, I showed you two reasons for hope in suffering: Our future glorification with Christ will outshine the darkness of any suffering in this life The Spirit strengthens us in our weakness, interceding for us in our place Here at the end of...

Present Hope, Future Glory – Romans, Week 11

Present Hope, Future Glory – Romans, Week 11

Romans 8:17-27 We inherit all that Jesus inherits. It comes to us not so much through Christ as in Christ. Certainly, Paul at least means that we inherit the promises of God in the future. But it does not appear that this is all that Paul means. We not only inherit...