Sunday service starts at 10:30

1339 North Main St. Kernersville, NC 27284

(336) 996-1160

New Year, Fresh Vision (Part 2)

New Year, Fresh Vision (Part 2)


This year is a major inflection point for Living Hope Church. An inflection point is the exact point when a geometrical curve changes direction. More generally, an inflection point is the moment of most noticeable change in your trajectory.

That’s a good description of our moment as a Church. The change itself is precipitated by our numbers. We are not a big church. But we have outgrown our space, and we have outgrown the way we operate and do ministry.

To help us navigate through this, we’ve been working on refining our vision, mission, and values to help give us a “true north” as we forge ahead.


Sermon Notes


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