Grafted In – Romans, Week 15
Romans 11:1-36 Israel had overall rejected the gospel that they heard regarding Jesus. So now it begs the question, “Has the Word of God failed?” (9:6) This may not have been a question you have asked regarding Israel specifically, but you have certainly asked this...
New Year, Fresh Vision (Part 2)
This year is a major inflection point for Living Hope Church. An inflection point is the exact point when a geometrical curve changes direction. More generally, an inflection point is the moment of most noticeable change in your trajectory. That’s a good...
New Year, Fresh Vision (Part 1)
This year is a major inflection point for Living Hope Church. An inflection point is the exact point when a geometrical curve changes direction. More generally, an inflection point is the moment of most noticeable change in your trajectory. That’s a good...
Who is Jesus: A Man (Part 2)
Jesus is the physical, tangible, touchable, presence of God among His people. He is also the place where the people meet God, and hear His Word - his full self-expression. Jesus is heaven itself, and he is the place where heaven touches earth. Jesus also has...
Who is Jesus: God (Part 1)
Who is Jesus in His nature and character? What does His existence mean? It’s odd that our society celebrates a holiday every year, with Jesus’ title in the name (Christ), yet most people that celebrate Christmas never answer this most basic question. ...
Everyone Who Calls – Romans, Week 14
Romans 9:30-10:21 Romans 9 and 10 have been the proof texts for the two biggest divisions in protestantism since the Reformation. And chapters 9-11 have been the center of the debate over God’s relationship with Israel for even longer. Chapter 9 will tell us that it...
God’s Sovereign Choice – Romans, Week 13
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Nothing Can Separate Us – Romans, Week 12
Romans 8:28-39 Last week, I showed you two reasons for hope in suffering: Our future glorification with Christ will outshine the darkness of any suffering in this life The Spirit strengthens us in our weakness, interceding for us in our place Here at the end of...
Present Hope, Future Glory – Romans, Week 11
Romans 8:17-27 We inherit all that Jesus inherits. It comes to us not so much through Christ as in Christ. Certainly, Paul at least means that we inherit the promises of God in the future. But it does not appear that this is all that Paul means. We not only inherit...