Sunday service starts at 10:30

1339 North Main St. Kernersville, NC 27284

(336) 996-1160

The Age of Fulfillment (Acts – Week 4)

The Age of Fulfillment (Acts – Week 4)

Acts 2:14-41


The Holy Spirit’s mission is bigger than you, but it is not less than you.

The disciples were transformed, in an instant, from disciples to apostles. And in that moment, the Church was born.

We need to set our bar of expectation at spiritual transformation, not just incremental improvement.

You are living in an age of fulfillment of the promises of God. Jesus is holding the door open to the throne-room of God, giving you full access to the Spirit. The same power that was in Christ, is now in you.

Let that frustrate you into persistence! Let that make you hungry for the Spirit to so transform you that your life now looks more like their life then.


Sermon Notes



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