our values
Three pillars that shape our discipleship
Our core values don’t comprise everything that we hold near and dear at Living Hope. But they do undergird the most central parts of how we live out following Jesus together.

Church is Family
The Church is more like a family of siblings than an organization of members. Faith in Christ joins us to His spiritual family forever. Where we were once strangers, acquaintances, or friends, we are now spiritual brothers and sisters.

Church is Word & Spirit
We do not believe that taking the Bible seriously is in conflict with an expectation to experience the presence and gifts of the Spirit. We endeavor to do both of these things with zeal and intentionality.

Church is Mission
The Church does not exist for itself. It is not designed to be a spiritual cul-de-sac where all the blessings of God are enjoyed, but not given away. The love of God must not end with us, but it must flow through us to others.
our vision
What we’re about
Our vision is to see people transformed by the good news of Jesus. We do this by these four things:

Worship God

Love One Another

Make Disciples