Awesome New Way of Living – Romans, Week 10
Romans 8:12-17 We do not owe the “old me apart from Christ” anything. Like the freed slave in Rom 6 and the wife whose husband died in Rom 7, we owe zero allegiance to the old master/husband. Our approach to God has been totally revolutionized. In who we were before...
Law and Life – Romans, Week 9
Romans 7:1-8:11 So far, we have learned that the OT law could not make us righteous. All it could do was reveal sin, and in a sense, increase sin. Through the cross and the resurrection, we are no under the law but under grace. Now Paul will turn to discussing the...
Slaves of Righteousness – Romans, Week 8
Romans 6:1-23 Paul has been emphasizing grace so heavily, that it creates a concern for many people. This is a radical kind of grace that was simply too far for some at the time, and to this day. But if we are saved by grace, through faith, not of any good works of...
But Wait, There’s More! – Romans, Week 7
Romans 5:1-21 We have been considering the idea that our righteousness is in Christ, counted to us by faith. My righteousness is fundamentally a decree of God. It is not mine, it is not in me. It is in Christ, held by Him for me. But this begs an obvious...
The Righteousness of God Through Faith – Romans, Week 6
Romans 3:20-4:25 Last week we saw how God views humanity through different categories than we often do. God says that no one is righteous. You may be morally superior, but you are not righteous. That can only come from God Himself. And only righteous people can...
No One is Righteous- Romans, Week 5
Romans 2:25-3:31 We have covered Romans 1 and most of chapter 2 along with it. There we see the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul, laying out the basis for the Christian worldview. He tells a story of how humanity stopped acknowledging God, and this resulted...
A Theology of Body, Gender & Sexuality, Pt 2 – Romans, Week 4
Our culture has separated Body, Gender, and Sexuality as essentially unrelated and disconnected aspects of our humanity. This has created a dis-integrated understanding of personhood. We are fractured people when we believe this. God’s creative plan is that we be...
A Theology of Body, Gender & Sexuality, Pt 1 – Romans, Week 3
You may be wondering what the transgender debate has to do with Romans. Nothing directly. But sexuality connects directly to Romans 1, and we can no longer talk about sexuality without first talking about gender. Book Recommendations: Embodied: Transgender...
Truth for a Lie – Romans, Week 2
Romans 1 and 2 have been very important in the history of the Church. Every generation since Romans was written has looked to these verses to help them understand the world, and what has gone wrong with it. This is an essential building block of your worldview....